SURGE Disrupting the Dream Mockup Poster Design, Unknown, California State University, Los Angeles Special Collections and Archives, u.d.
An early version of a promotional poster for the SURGE Disrupting the Dream reunion event. The poster features a profile of two people facing back to…
SURGE Disrupting the Dream Final Poster Design, Unknown, California State University, Los Angeles Special Collections and Archives, u.d.
The final version of a promotional poster for the SURGE Disrupting the Dream reunion event. The poster features designs of various people centered on…
Unknown u.d., Transcript: SURGE Reunion Event Audio, California State University, Los Angeles Special Collections and Archives
A transcript of a one hour forty-six minute long audio recording of the SURGE reunion event.
Unknown, SURGE Reunion Event Audio, California State University, Los Angeles Special Collections and Archives, u.d.
A one hour forty-six minute long audio recording of the SURGE reunion event.
Unknown u.d., Transcript: Interview with Fermin Vasquez (Part 3 of 3), California State University, Los Angeles Special Collections and Archives
A transcript of a thirty-two minute long audio interview with Fermin Vasquez. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated October 8, 2022.
Unknown, Interview with Fermin Vasquez (Part 3 of 3), California State University, Los Angeles Special Collections and Archives, u.d.
A thirty-two minute long audio interview with Fermin Vasquez. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated October 8, 2022. This is the last…
Unknown u.d., Transcript: Interview with Fermin Vasquez (Part 2 of 3), California State University, Los Angeles Special Collections and Archives
A transcript of a twenty-two minuet long audio interview with Fermin Vasquez. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated October 8, 2022.
Unknown, Interview with Fermin Vasquez (Part 2 of 3), California State University, Los Angeles Special Collections and Archives, u.d.
A twenty-two minute long audio interview with Fermin Vasquez. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated October 8, 2022. This is the…
Unknown u.d., Transcript: Interview with Fermin Vasquez (Part 1 of 3), California State University, Los Angeles Special Collections and Archives
A transcript of a one-hour and twenty-nine minute long audio interview with Fermin Vasquez. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated…
Unknown, Interview with Fermin Vasquez (Part 1 of 3), California State University, Los Angeles Special Collections and Archives, u.d.
A one-hour and twenty-nine minute-long audio interview with Fermin Vasquez. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated October 8, 2022.…
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