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In a collaborative effort between the University, LA County, and the LA County Department of Public Health, Cal State LA was designated as a free COVID-19 testing site in May 2020, just two months after campus closure.

Cal State LA displays signs on campus on COVID-19 symptoms to encourage others to avoid being out in public.

In a collaborative effort between the University, LA County, and the LA County Department of Public Health, Cal State LA was designated as a free COVID-19 testing site in May 2020, just two months after campus closure.

In this micro-documentary, poet laureate and author Luis Rodriquez. Luis is the founding editor of Tia Chucha Press and co-founder of Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural & Bookstore in the San Fernando Valley. In this interview, Luis discusses…

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DeMinter, Larry #G02201 - covid0.jpg

Students in Fall History 2020 pause for a photograph with Dr. Dennis. Students demonstrate the intersections of class, gender, and race in the history of Los Angeles, and in comparison, to the broader national narrative.

Students in History 2050 (fall 2019) celebrate processing forty-two boxes from the Mervyn M. Dymally Collection. Through this opportunity students build an understanding of archival processing and the importance of preservation.

Azalea Camacho works with a student interpreting a primary source from the Mervyn M. Dymally Papers.
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