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Contents page listing Thomas McGrath's publication in the magazine.

Contents page listing Thomas McGrath's publication in the magazine.

Contents page listing Thomas McGrath's publication in the magazine.

Contents page listing Thomas McGrath's publication in the magazine.

Faculty picture of the language and literature division. Thomas McGrath is the first person on the bottom row. Found on page 43.

A picture of the English club from 1952 when McGrath was the advisor for the club. He is the 3rd person in the first, bottom row. Found on page 71.

Faculty picture of the language and literature division. Thomas McGrath is the first person standing on the left. Found on page 14.

Faculty picture with Thomas McGrath. He is the 7th person in the back row. Found on page 55.

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Cover of the Swallow Paperbooks edition of McGrath's book of poems "Letter to an Imaginary Friend"

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Thomas and Alice standing in front of their home on Marsh Street with their sides touching and their heads slightly leaning in towards each other. From the viewer's perspectives, Thomas stands on the left with Alice on the right.
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