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first manifesto TM.jpg
Image of the cover of McGrath's book First Manifesto.

Flu shots offered for free.

A cofounder of Black Lives Matter LA, Professor Melina Abdullah was met with gunpoint while protesting against police brutality at the L.A. District Attorney’s residence.

A blue and white house located in the city of Fillmore near its historic downtown area in Ventura County was nearly destroyed by the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Despite its collapsed foundation and pillars that have broken loose from their moorings,…

Disruptors 073.jpg
Four men posing for a photo, some sitting or standing on a minivan

Disruptors 058.jpg
A group of fourteen people posing for a photo in a room with birthday party decorations. A balloon reads "Happy B-Day! from SURGE".

Disruptors 059.jpg
An alternate photo of a group of fourteen people posing for a photo in a room with birthday party decorations. A balloon reads "Happy B-Day! from SURGE".

In this micro-documentary, Adriana has the opportunity to interview her grandfather Francisco. Throughout the doc, Adrianna highlights how despite facing hardships once his father passed at the age of 15, Francisco was still able to support his…

Frank Yan introduces his mother’s background in Portland, Oregon, where his grandfather ran several businesses before returning to China when his mother was a teenager. He describes his parents’ arranged marriage in Toisan, his mother’s…

Sponsored jointly by the NAACP and Anheuser-Busch, Cal State LA offered free testing for Sickle Cell Anemia and other diseases on campus during the 1980s.
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