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Winston Bong Young opens his second interview by elaborating upon the culture shock of moving from Central City, Los Angeles to North Hollywood in seventh grade. He recalls how his work ethic developed from balancing childcare for his younger…

Pauline Tso, née Wang, introduces her early childhood in Nanjing, China, before the Japanese occupation and her father’s diplomatic missions forced them to evacuate. She describes her boat journey to, schooling in, and childhood memories of…

Winston Bong Young introduces himself as a third-generation Cantonese Chinese American who moved from an integrated Los Angeles neighborhood to a majority-white suburb in North Hollywood. He describes working at his stepfather’s restaurant in North…

Frank Yan introduces his mother’s background in Portland, Oregon, where his grandfather ran several businesses before returning to China when his mother was a teenager. He describes his parents’ arranged marriage in Toisan, his mother’s…


CLS Testimonios Special Collections Archive.tif
Award from Jimmy Gomez, Member of Congress to the Department of Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies at California State University, Los Angeles' commitment toward a democratic and more inclusive global society.



JorgeEstrada (2).mp4

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