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This student had multiple jobs, including working at the LACC and even as a TA at Cal State LA. She contemplates the potential loss of her martial arts studio as she teaches significantly fewer people virtually.

This graduate student plans to highlight skills gained as a TA during the pandemic to further a career in education, and hoped to return to campus instruction by Fall 2020.

Less than 3 months after the first formal communication of the pandemic, all in-person classes were suspended as Cal State LA began the sudden transition to remote learning.

Less than 3 months after the first formal communication of the pandemic, all in-person classes were suspended as Cal State LA began the sudden transition to remote learning.

(Right to Left) Dr. Dorothy I. Height, Jessie Jackson and Mervyn M. Dymally during the Black Family Reunion Celebration. The four-day celebration was sponsored by the National Council of Negro Women, Inc.

Mervyn M. Dymally walking past Wrigley Field.

Pictured (Right to Left) Edward R. Roybal, Matthew G. Martinez, Mervyn M. Dymally, and Esteban E. Torres.

Mervyn M. Dymally with Mrs. Effie Hetrick at the Social Secuirty Notch Rally at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Dymally shaking hands with Muhammad Ali.

Dymyally poses with then-Governor Schwartznager.
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