A thirty-three minute-long audio interview with Rocio Ortiz. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated July 13, 2023. This is the first half of the interview.
A twenty-three minute-long audio interview with Rocio Ortiz. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated July 13, 2023. This is the second half of the interview.
A one-hour and three-minute-long audio interview with Yadira Ramirez. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated October 8, 2022. This is the first third of the interview.
A sixteen-minute-long audio interview with Yadira Ramirez. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated October 8, 2022. This is the second third of the interview.
A hour-long five-minute audio interview with Yadira Ramirez. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated October 8, 2022. This is the last third of the interview.
A one-hour and ten-minute-long audio interview with Yohana Barajas Hinojosa. The interviewer is Gloria Sosa, and the file is dated September 23 (year unknown).
Remote learning brought new headaches for this student track athlete facing prolonged screen time, reduced social connections, and indefinite suspension of campus sports.