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Dr Thomas-EXHIBIT.mp4

Dr Farris-EXHIBIT.mp4


This is a series of letters written between Dymally and Martha G. Geesa, Program Officer in the Division for Americans Abroad of the US State Department, in summer 1964. The letters discussed travel fees to various countries in Southern and Eastern…

In May of 1964, the conference “Africa: Training for Leadership” took place and was addressed by William Averell Harriman, the former governor of New York and the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. In his address, Mr. Harriman…

In this Address, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs G. Mennen Williams urges those present at the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Political and Social Science in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to be more involved and…

Biblical passage I tattooed in prison using a single needle.

Tattooing my friend Johnny in a prison cell using all homemade tools.

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A dragon wrapped around a Filipino sun and stars which is also depicted on the flag of the Philippines to represent his ethnicity. This is my friend Smokey's first tattoo. At 31 years old, he's come across plenty of artists in prison but never…

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A Khmer temple called "Angkor Wat" with a Cambodian story written in Khmer. Ankor Wat is the largest religious monument in the world. This is a picture of my back tattoo to represent my ethnicity and my gang. All my tattoos, except my gang letters,…
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