Browse Items (730 total)

Foo Dogs, Temple, and Lotuses for Derek's first tattoo. Derek flew in from Oakland to get the chest plate to half sleeve from me.

Hanya Mask, surrounded by a snake to create a full back piece on Vonda. Thiswas her first tattoo which showcases her level of commitment. Predominantly black and grey work with touches of red to make it pop. The signature Inkfiendart Style.

Samurai/Demon face to complete a full back piece on my client Wayne. The red eyes and mouth give it a demonic look.

Cherry Blossoms and snake

Collage of roses, clocks, skulls, women, and hourglass to give James that West Coast black and grey style of tattoos made famous in california.

Phoenix and Lotuses for Jeremy's first tattoo which starts on the top of the shoulder and down to his mid forearm to create a 3/4 sleeve.

Marilyn Monroe tribute for Cherry's first tattoo.

Foo Dog, Peony, and Cherry blossams to round out a foot and shin tattoo on Jessica.

"Game of Thrones" themed chest plate to half sleeve of the "Mother of Dragons" and her dragon "Drogon" for Zach's first tattoo.

Monkey King with snake and dragon
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