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Senator Dymally sends a letter to Admiral Merino, an officer in the military of the dictatorship of Augosto Pinochet in Chile, who is also among the listed recipients. The letter asks for the Admiral to respect both medical and basic human rights of…

Dymally expresses the increasing amount of violence he is witnessing in neighborhoods. He asks why there is an increase in violence and what is causing it. Dymally believes that the "Land of Plenty" should start paying respect and treating the people…

While Governor of California, Ronald Regan’s efforts to defund the newly enacted state Medicaid Program, Medi-Cal, were largely defeated. His efforts were either blocked by the democratic speaker Jess Unruh or by the courts. Regan was able to reach…

Dymally suggests in this reply to a constituent, that they may misunderstand the workings of the Senate Bill 242. He explains the Bill is going to help children who are experiencing an ineffective school system. He gets personal with her and mentions…


In this letter, Dymally replies to the concerns of a constituent, who is a medical doctor, about welfare recipients who discriminate in their choice of doctors. Dymally asserts that many black people, after lifetimes of constant rejection by racists,…

In a letter written by a British couple to Dymally, they request information about the trials of the Soledad Brother and Angela Davis. They ask what can be done, and lament on the racial discrimination and persecution against African Americans. They…

Reyes Jr., Melecio #F28021 - Covid0.jpg

Aguilar, Maximiliano #G52576 - Covid0.jpg

Sanchez, Martin #P96562 - Covid0.jpg

This is a series of letters written between Dymally and Martha G. Geesa, Program Officer in the Division for Americans Abroad of the US State Department, in summer 1964. The letters discussed travel fees to various countries in Southern and Eastern…
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