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Cliff Connors interviews his grandmother about her experiences as a part of the Silent Generation. Through this time, McCarthyism was at its height and the threat of being a labeled a communist made this generation the…

Jason Chen was fortunate enough to interview his grandmother, Christina Chen, about the obstacles and challenges she had to overcome as an immigrant and doctor in the U.S.  In 1968, shortly after the 1965 Immigration Act was passed as an…

This is a micro-documentary the documents the conservation between Meagan Amaral and her tía, Martha. This conversation explores self-actualization when coming to terms with queerness especially within Mexican-American culture, religion and family…

 Itzel Aguilar interviews her father, Marcial Aguilar, about his life in El Salvador and him immigrating to the U.S. This testimonio explores Marcial’s economic status, the linguistic difficulties he faced once he came to the…

A winning poster from the 29th Annual Virtual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities.
Winners Ayomikun Orunesajo, Destinee Stewart, and Jazmin Ennis
B.S. Public Health, B.S. Social Work, B.S. Social Work
Mental Health…

A winning poster from the 29th Annual Virtual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities.
Winners Amanda Rodriguez and Karina Quiroz
B.A. Communication Disorders; B.S. Public Health
Addressing Oral Health Disparities in the…

A winning poster from the 29th Annual Virtual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities.
Winner John Oliver Lobo
B.S. Chemistry
Modelling Lanthanide Extraction Selectivity Using Quantum Chemical Computation
Faculty Mentor:…

A winning poster from the 29th Annual Virtual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities.
Winner Claire Villanueva-Weeks
M. S. Environmental Science, Geospatial Science
Validation of SMAP Level 3 soil moisture data products…

Chatterjee Wordpress Bio Pic.jpg
Dr. Choi Chatterjee

Dr. Eileen Ford
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