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Symposium featuring Dorothy Newell (Recording Secretary), Leonard Dunston (President), Dawn Taylor Holmes (Sankofa Mentee), Leatrice Bagley and Willie Davis (Co-Chairpersons, Health Issues Committee).



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Hand written inscription dedicated to McGrath.

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Cover of Naomi Replansky book of poems.

Many students participated in efforts to distribute food and supplies to those in their communities who needed them most.

Speaks on the fears of being Asian in Alhambra (a predominantly Asian city) during the pandemic, due to national and local racist slurs against the Asian community.

Incarcerated persons, write to Senator Mervyn Dymally, asking him to take action and investigate the "funny death," of Fred Billingsley caused by correctional officers, and unprofessional practices of correctional officers across the state. Theā€¦
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