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Lawrence, Chad #AV5324 - Covid0.jpg

mcgrath 7.jpeg
Image of the cover of Lawrence Lipton's book The Holy Barbarians.

In this micro-documentary, Adriana has the opportunity to interview her grandfather Francisco. Throughout the doc, Adrianna highlights how despite facing hardships once his father passed at the age of 15, Francisco was still able to support his…

Krasnoperov, Vitaliy #AN0883 - covid0.jpg

Richard discusses the process of tattooing his fellow inmates from building his own tattoo machine to making his own ink.

Despite feeling like a setback, quarantine offered some students the opportunity to focus on life goals and personal projects.

Johnson, Travon #K18361 - covid0.jpg

Johnson, Edwin #J69027 - covid0.jpg

Jackson, Godfrey #F90671 - Covid0.jpg

A winning poster from the 29th Annual Virtual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities.
Winner John Oliver Lobo
B.S. Chemistry
Modelling Lanthanide Extraction Selectivity Using Quantum Chemical Computation
Faculty Mentor:…
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