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Illustration of New Words

Health Professional jumping into the water

Nicole A. Aros

Disruptors 067.jpg
A group of nine people posing for a photo behind a table with a SURGE signa and a cart with an image of a parrot

Disruptors 061.jpg
A group of nine people pose together for a photo

Disruptors 105.jpg
A group of nine people posing for a photo holding a sign that reads "CSULA SURGE"

Disruptors 074.jpg
A group of nine people seated at a restaurant roundtable posing for a photo

Discusses the frustration of the lack of safety in her retail work environment, including interactions with customers that are reluctant to comply with face mask regulations, usually referred to as “anti-maskers”.

mcgrath 6.2.jpeg
A white page with the poem "O'Leary's Last Wish: In Case the Revolution Should Fall" printed on the page.

The official certificate presented to Dymally for becoming the United States Representative to Congress for district 31.
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