By the 1960s a new type of polio vaccine was developed - the Sabin Oral Vaccine. Drops of vaccine were administered orally, dropped on a sugar cube and dissolved on the tongue. As with the Salk vaccine, the Sabin Oral Vaccine was once again…
Once a disabling and life-threatening disease, polio was eradicated from the Americas by the 1990’s, with widespread distribution of vaccines such as the Sabin oral vaccine, distributed at the Campus Health Center.
Pauline Tso, née Wang, introduces her early childhood in Nanjing, China, before the Japanese occupation and her father’s diplomatic missions forced them to evacuate. She describes her boat journey to, schooling in, and childhood memories of…
A curious young boy gets a closer look at the unbelievable, while spectators from above inspect the damage to their cars trapped under the Park Regency apartment building in Canoga Park; a result of the 1994 Northridge earthquake.
A letter was written to Mervin Dymally by Sergeant Jack Russ, giving him a photo of Dymally, the new Mozambican president Joaquim Chissano, and other officials during Chissano’s visit to Washington, DC in 1990. It was during a time when Mozambique…