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On top of having to adjust to distance learning and job loss, students contended with supply scarcity as staple food and household items disappeared from shelves amidst periods of panic buying.

On top of having to adjust to distance learning and job loss, students contended with supply scarcity as staple food and household items disappeared from shelves amidst periods of panic buying.

Disruptors 103.jpg
A group of eleven people posing for a photo in a Las Vegas casino


Dymally Teacher pix B.jpg
Beginning in 1953, Dymally taught in the elementary schools in Los Angeles.

Chavez and Dymally worked closely on several political actions that addressed labor rights of farm-workers.

A Photo of Dymally and his class in 1953

Dyamlly on steps of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

Mervyn M. Dymally announces to an overflow crowd of reporters, relatives and friends at the Chowchilla Fire Department that the missing 26 children who disappeared on July 15, 1976 were reported as safe by officials in Alameda County near San…

Dymally and students of the Rosevelt Jr. Highschool on the steps of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.
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