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Portrait of Dr. Mike Natter

Senator Anthony C. Beileson, left, recieved a warm handshake from Dr. Martin Luther King at Anaheim in March 1968 at the CDC convention endorsment from the democratic U.S. Senate primary. Looking on is Senator Mervyn M. Dymally, who brought Dr. King…

In this micro-documentary, poet laureate and author Luis Rodriquez. Luis is the founding editor of Tia Chucha Press and co-founder of Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural & Bookstore in the San Fernando Valley. In this interview, Luis discusses…

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Dr. Knighton standing over a display case with his four students who helped him with creating the physical exhibit on Thomas McGrath back in 2016.

Portrait of Dr. Grace Farris

Dr. Eileen Ford

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Dr. Choi Chatterjee

Portrait of Dr. Ali R. Tayyeb

Dr Farris-EXHIBIT.mp4

Dr Tayyeb-EXHIBIT.mp4
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