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Ring Song book cover
Cover of Naomi Replansky book of poems.
Ring Song dedication
Hand written inscription dedicated to McGrath.
Guided Tours 1
Student involved in the exhibit gives a tour to other Cal State La students of the physical McGrath Exhibit.
Guided Tours 2
Student involved in the exhibit gives a tour to other Cal State La students of the physical McGrath Exhibit.
Guided Tours 3
Student involved in the exhibit gives a tour to other Cal State La students of the physical McGrath Exhibit.
Guided Tours 4
Student involved in the exhibit gives a tour to other Cal State La students of the physical McGrath Exhibit.
Dr. Knighton and his Four Students
Dr. Knighton standing over a display case with his four students who helped him with creating the physical exhibit on Thomas McGrath back in 2016.
Bookmarks from the Physical Exhibit
Bookmarks that were used to promote the physical exhibit back in 2016.
Promotional Postcard from the Physical Exhibit
Promotional postcard that looks like a newspaper clipping advertising the physical exhibit at Cal State LA.
Children's Books by McGrath
Two children's books written by McGrath. One called "The Beautiful Things" and the other "about clouds."
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