One example of many, this restaurant, either as a result of financial loss due to the pandemic or out of safety due to the Floyd riots, is forced to remain locked, specifically in padlock and chains.
Discusses seeing students at Cal State LA resort to racist slurs targeting the Asian community, and reacts to a news report about physical abuse and deaths to Asians during the pandemic.
A series of catastrophic events followed the 1994 Northridge earthquake. In Granada Hills, in the middle of the 11600 block of Balboa Boulevard, a ruptured gas main burns behind a giant crater caused by the earthquake. Several homes adjacent to where…
The Sabin Oral Polio Vaccine could be offered at just a 25 cent donation and was recommended to persons of all ages, even those that had previously received the Salk vaccine.
Despite a significant rise in Black students on campus, speakers join a statewide Scholar Strike that emphasized the demand of funds to be redistributed from investing in campus police to student fees and/or ethnic studies programs.