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Disruptors 090.jpg
A group of thirteen people are seated at a restaurant table posing for a photo

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A group of five people posing for a photo

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Three people are crouched and paint a large banner that is laying on the floor that reads "STEERING FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE"

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Norma Castañeda holding her diploma that reads "California State University Los Angeles" while standing in a parking lot

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Norma Castañeda, wearing graduation regalia, holds her diploma reading "California State University Los Angeles"

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A flyer that reads "MAY DAY RIDERS STEERING towards a brighter future.' Date: May 1 Location: Pico and Broadway Time: 10:00 AM Sponsored by: the People All kinds of bikes are welcome even your little cousin's tricycle! Don't just march and scream,…

Disruptors 084.jpg
A group of sixteen people pose for a photo in the middle of a street alongside bicycles, signs, and an American flag

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A group of seven people posing for a photo, one of whom is in a graduation cap and gown holding a diploma

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A group of twenty-seven people pose for a photo on the beach, with some kneeling on the sand besides a red pinata.

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Jorge Alvarez (right) and a man pose for a photo on the railing of a bridge overlooking a cityscape.
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