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invitation side 1.jpg
An invitation to the Coastlines party which would have poem readings, music and dancing. Has descriptions of who will read poems, who will be playing music, and directions on how to get to the address.

Coastlines spring 1955.jpg
A scan of the cover of the spring 1955 edition of the Coastlines magazine.

Coastlines 1958.jpg
A scan of the cover of the 1958 edition of the Coastlines magazine.

Coastlines 1956.jpg
A scan of the cover of the 1956 edition of the Coastlines magazine.

A winning poster from the 29th Annual Virtual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities.
Winner Claire Villanueva-Weeks
M. S. Environmental Science, Geospatial Science
Validation of SMAP Level 3 soil moisture data products…

Food scarcity was an added layer of stress for students facing the uncertainty of the pandemic.

Lack of access to campus equipment meant this engineering student’s team was unable to build a prototype of the project for their senior design course.

Jason Chen was fortunate enough to interview his grandmother, Christina Chen, about the obstacles and challenges she had to overcome as an immigrant and doctor in the U.S.  In 1968, shortly after the 1965 Immigration Act was passed as an…

Chambers, Keith #K23776 - covid Poem0.jpg

Student shares their stressful time in having Covid-19 twice and their family having it. They expressed how stressful the fall semester was on them but they continued on with their courses despite what they were experiencing at home.
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