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Disrupting the DREAM Event 41
A group of twenty-seven people posing for a photo with a sign for an event titled "Disruping the DREAM: UndocuLeaders United"
Disrupting the DREAM Event 42
An alternate photo of a group of twenty-seven people posing for a photo with a sign for an event titled "Disruping the DREAM: UndocuLeaders United"
Disrupting the DREAM Event 43
A group of fifteen people posing for a photo with a sign for an event titled "Disruping the DREAM: UndocuLeaders United"
AB540 Conference at California State University, Los Angeles 1
Two men pose for a photo.
AB540 Conference at California State University, Los Angeles 2
A group of four people embrace each other and pose for a photo. The person on the far left wears a nametag reading "Carlos" and is beside a woman with a nametag reading "Anais".
AB540 Conference at California State University, Los Angeles 3
A group of thirteen people pose for a photo with a sign advertising SURGE.
AB540 Conference at California State University, Los Angeles 4
A man and woman pose together for a photo. Both people are wearing nametags with illegible text.
AB540 Conference at California State University, Los Angeles 5
A woman and man pose together for a photo. Both people are wearing nametags with illegible text.
AB540 Conference at California State University, Los Angeles 6
A woman and man pose together for a photo. Both people are wearing nametags with illegible text.
AB540 Conference at California State University, Los Angeles 7
Two women pose together for a photo in front of a crowd of people in the background. Both people are wearing nametags with illegible text.
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