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Dr Farris-EXHIBIT.mp4

Richard discusses the process of tattooing his fellow inmates from building his own tattoo machine to making his own ink.

Horace Austin Appreciation Award.jpg


A closer look at the wall full of stethoscopes

With restrictions from the pandemic going out is no longer the same. This individual expresses how they miss leaving their homes without a worry and now dealing with anxiety when they go out. Adopting a new pet has helped her feel better through…

Johnny Huang interviewed Angelina Vergara. Vergara is a first-generation Mexican American raised in Los Angeles, California. Vergara details her experiences with sexism as while as the pressure of adhering to gender roles present within Mexican…

Jeanne Tucker interviews Angelica Tucker who first hand experienced the economic hardships her family faced in Mexico and her eventual immigration to the U.S. At 24 years old, Angelica and her husband got married and had children, but Angelica faced…

Talks about their financial challenges in not receiving the first stimulus check since some college students did not qualify. Their parent’s undocumented status doesn’t qualify for government help. Their jobs and their landlord’s understanding…

An endorsement list for Mervyn M. Dymally
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