After struggling to get stuff done at home and falling behind in class. This student struggled to find a space where they can get work done. However, the balance of work and family becomes difficult when the family thinks they spend too much time in…
Despite the difficult reality of life during a global pandemic, Cal State LA students showed resilience and inspiration, fighting for social justices, keeping their families safe, and looking out for the good of their communities.
After their parent’s business was closed down, this individual had to continue to work for their family to provide for them. They tried to maintain enough energy to still keep track with college while now having to help their family financially.
In the early 80s, not much was known about AIDS or HIV. It was erroneously and dangerously characterized by the media as a disease affecting gay men, African Americans, and drug users.
At a Granada Hills market, previously located at 18045 Chatsworth Street, clerk Merlin Saunders begins the arduous task of cleaning up the tremendous mess left by the 1971 San Fernando earthquake. Boxes and cans of food were knocked from shelves by…
A winning poster from the 29th Annual Virtual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities.
Winners Amanda Rodriguez and Karina Quiroz
B.A. Communication Disorders; B.S. Public Health
Addressing Oral Health Disparities in the…