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Disruptors 138.pdf
A transcript of a one hour forty-six minute long audio recording of the SURGE reunion event.

As cases appear in the United States and the cases increase worldwide, the university made the decision to close down the campus and convert to remote learning to avoid spread on campus.

Disruptors 076.jpg
A group of twelve people in matching SURGE t-shirts posing for a photo

Disruptors 082.jpg
A group of twenty-seven people pose for a photo on the beach, with some kneeling on the sand besides a red pinata.




Family members got COVID-19 and had to be isolated from the baby in the house. They had concerns with the baby's health, so they took all the precautions to protect her.

After their family recovered from COVID-19, they still kept their distance from family outside their homes. If they did see their family, they kept their distance or stayed in their cars just to be safe.

A winning poster from the 29th Annual Virtual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities.
Winner Claire Villanueva-Weeks
M. S. Environmental Science, Geospatial Science
Validation of SMAP Level 3 soil moisture data products…
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