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This depicts 2020 in a nutshell: Several people, including children and pets, come together in unison to protest the many problems. Among the signs can be noted, “Defund the police”, “End police brutality”, “End White Silence”, “Public…

At one of the 2020 BLM Protests are several people with different signs. Among them say, “This fight affects us all”, “Justice for George Floyd”, and “Put $$$ in Black communities”.

Three Black women show their support, having signs with popular slogans used during the 2020 BLM Protests. Among them: “BLM; “Black Lives Matter”; “No Justice No Peace” which was first used in 1986 at the murder of Black Michael Griffith by…

One of numerous occasions, on this gloomy day protestors march supporting the BLM movement.

During the 2020 BLM Protests, one person holds a sign saying “Racism is still a global pandemic”.

This picture is one of many BLM Protest art on the planked walls of a local business. The graffiti says “8:46”, the amount of time George Floyd was restrained in an illegal chokehold by police, until he died. Beneath, is an upright closed fist,…

Alcarez, Joe #K81319 - covid0.jpg

Student shares their journey on having COVID-19 and having to go to the hospital. She had difficulties breathing and discovered she had pneumonia.

Almost everyone in the household got COVID-19. During this time the family welcomed a new member to their family. Unfortunately, the baby got COVID-19, his mother did come out negative and was able to take care of the baby's needs while everyone…

Aguilar, Maximiliano #G52576 - Covid0.jpg
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