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The layout of the 29th District

Nigeria Information Service .jpg
In this transcript of the press conference given by Alhaji Ali Baba, the Minister of Internal Affairs in Nigeria, he tells the press present at the Embassy of Nigeria Annex in Washington D.C. on February 14, 1983 about the immigration and “illegal…

Disruptors 084.jpg
A group of sixteen people pose for a photo in the middle of a street alongside bicycles, signs, and an American flag

A flyer for the Latino Community Festival put on by the Hispanic Caucus. Dymally is seen here with Mexican President Lopez Portillo. Dymally is also one of the featured speakers of the event along with Ceasar Chavez.

Illustration of a few pandemic feelings

Image of proper medical gear and homemade protective gear

This picture is one of many BLM Protest art on the planked walls of a local business. The graffiti says “8:46”, the amount of time George Floyd was restrained in an illegal chokehold by police, until he died. Beneath, is an upright closed fist,…



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