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Across a deserted Cal State LA campus, signs like these remind visitors of the importance of mask-wearing and social distancing protocols.

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During the Gulf War (Aug 2, 1990 – Feb 28, 1991) hate crimes against Arab Americans increased, and the FBI questioned Arab Americans. This resolution put forth by Dymally in 1991 sought to curb baseless interrogation by the FBI, while increasing…


In a 19 November 1974 letter written by a group of "Black and Chicano Prisoners," at Folsom State Prison, the authors congratulate Dymally on being elected as Lt. Governor, and adds that as Chicano and Black people first, as citizens of CA second,…

Four year old Ava Gougis and other Preschool children who attend the Joy Picus Development Center located in downtown Los Angeles? City Hall are pictured hiding under desks as they participate in California?s annual statewide earthquake drill, ?The…

A curious young boy gets a closer look at the unbelievable, while spectators from above inspect the damage to their cars trapped under the Park Regency apartment building in Canoga Park; a result of the 1994 Northridge earthquake.

Residents of a three-story apartment complex emerge from the destruction left behind by the 1994 Northridge earthquake. A man stares out onto the street from his wall-less home at the devastated Northridge Meadows Apartments.

The southbound lanes of the Interstate 5 collapsed onto the Interstate 14 freeway junction where the Los Angeles City Limit begins in Santa Clarita. The photo captures LAPD officers investigating the scene of the disaster, and aiding victims involved…

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A series of catastrophic events followed the 1994 Northridge earthquake. In Granada Hills, in the middle of the 11600 block of Balboa Boulevard, a ruptured gas main burns behind a giant crater caused by the earthquake. Several homes adjacent to where…
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