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Gonzalez, Jonathon #AP4932 - covid0.jpg

Leonard Acosta #T24504 - Covid and rec letter request1.jpg

DeMinter, Larry #G02201 - covid0.jpg

Sanchez, Martin #P96562 - Covid0.jpg

Leonard Acosta #T24504 - Covid and rec letter request1.jpg

Dominguez, Leonard #AS7655 - Covid0.jpg

Linda H. Bauer wrote to Senator Mervyn Dymally regarding the hunger crisis that occurred in Africa, from 1983 through 1985, Ethiopia Famine was one of the worst events to ever occur because of chronic drought. Bauer asked Senator Dymally and other…

Mervyn M. Dymally sends a telegram to Louis Martin, Deputy Director of the Democratic National Committee in protest of President Lyndon B. Johnson's lack of people of color in his delegation, more specifically, "Negros and Mexican Americans". In…

President Reagan's assistant is thanking Dymally for the letter he has sent on November 5 about the issue of the Soviet Jewry for the upcoming meetings with General Secretary Gorbachev. The letters discuss that the letter Dymally sent to Reagan will…

In a letter writen by the president of the Berkeley chapter of the National Organization of Women, Marijean Suelze thanks Dymally for writing two letters to the Department of Sociology, and states that the student organizaiton has supported the…
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