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During the Gulf War (Aug 2, 1990 – Feb 28, 1991) hate crimes against Arab Americans increased, and the FBI questioned Arab Americans. This resolution put forth by Dymally in 1991 sought to curb baseless interrogation by the FBI, while increasing…

In this letter from Mervyn Dymally to a border patrol agent, he expresses concerns about being stopped for identification as he is a US citizen, and at the racial profiling that he encountered at the border. Dymally closes by stating that the…

In a letter writen by the president of the Berkeley chapter of the National Organization of Women, Marijean Suelze thanks Dymally for writing two letters to the Department of Sociology, and states that the student organizaiton has supported the…

Dymally thanks Ms. Bucel for writing a letter to him regarding his legislation about discrimination against women in education. Dymally shares copies of the bills he has presented and signed into law concerning day care centers and discriminating…

Dymanlly invites Ruth G. Tulley to answer a few questions regarding the history and present status of women lawyers and law students. 

In a 30 November 1973 letter, the author states that he is writing to Dymally to inform him about what is going on in Watts, CA, and the harassment of the Black and Latino community by the LASD and Highway Patrol. The author says that law enforcement…

In a 3 August 1990 congressional statement, Dyamally provides a brief history of the crisis in Trinidad and Tobago, and stressed that there is political and economic instability. An attempt to overthrow the government occurred as the Prime Minister…

In the letter to Attorney General of the Justice Department William P. Barr, Congressman Dymally writes about the murder two Samoan brothers from Compton, California. Pouvi (34) and Italia (22) Tualaulelei who were killed at the hands of LAPD officer…

In a letter written by a British couple to Dymally, they request information about the trials of the Soledad Brother and Angela Davis. They ask what can be done, and lament on the racial discrimination and persecution against African Americans. They…

Dymally expresses the increasing amount of violence he is witnessing in neighborhoods. He asks why there is an increase in violence and what is causing it. Dymally believes that the "Land of Plenty" should start paying respect and treating the people…
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