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In this letter, Dymally defends his reputation and disputes his involvement in a private company gaining a public health plan for Medi-Cal recipients. Dymally faced harassment in the form of unsubstantiated claims of corruption and supposedly…

Dymanlly invites Ruth G. Tulley to answer a few questions regarding the history and present status of women lawyers and law students. 

Senator Dymally writes to the director of the DMV about their recent approval of racial slurs on personalized license plates. Dymally encourages the director to remove these slurs from personalized licenses as they offend the Japanese American…

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Dymally replies to Raul Soria about his position on reducing the flow of illegal aliens and immigrants into the U.S. Dymally writes that Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 for the purpose of controlling the entrance of…

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Dymally wrote a letter to President Ford asking him to grant a full and unconditional presidential pardon to Iva Toguri d'Aquino. Ms. Toguri was a Japanese-American DJ who was convicted on one count of treason and lost her citizenship for allegedly…

Dymally thanks Ms. Bucel for writing a letter to him regarding his legislation about discrimination against women in education. Dymally shares copies of the bills he has presented and signed into law concerning day care centers and discriminating…

In a letter written to L. N. Patterson, the superintendent of Deuel Vocational Institution, Dymally asserts that he is aware of the unfair treatment of one of his constituents, Leroy Hutchinson, who is housed in the K Wing, and incarcerated people…

In a 3 August 1990 congressional statement, Dyamally provides a brief history of the crisis in Trinidad and Tobago, and stressed that there is political and economic instability. An attempt to overthrow the government occurred as the Prime Minister…

Dymally uses strong language to implore the CSU board to stop using xenophobic excuses and heed the call of “the largest minority in California,” to rename a building at Cal State LA in honor of the Mexican Revolutionary, Emiliano Zapata.…

In this letter from Mervyn Dymally to a border patrol agent, he expresses concerns about being stopped for identification as he is a US citizen, and at the racial profiling that he encountered at the border. Dymally closes by stating that the…
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